Index of class types

cgi_activation [Netcgi_types]
The common interface of CGI activation objects
cgi_argument [Netcgi_types]
The interface of CGI argument objects
cgi_environment [Netcgi_env]
The class type cgi_environment contains the resources by which the CGI activation is connected to the "outer world".
compl_in_channel [Netchannels]
Further methods usually supported by ocamlnet channel implementations.
compl_out_channel [Netchannels]
Further methods usually supported by ocamlnet channel implementations.

enhanced_raw_in_channel [Netchannels]
Defines private methods reading text line by line
extended_async_environment [Nethttpd_engine]
extended_environment [Nethttpd_types]
Same as v_extended_environment, but no virtual methods

http_engine_config [Nethttpd_engine]
http_engine_processing_config [Nethttpd_engine]
http_engine_processing_context [Nethttpd_engine]
http_header [Nethttp]
The HTTP header is represented as MIME header
http_processor_config [Nethttpd_reactor]
http_protocol_config [Nethttpd_kernel]
Configuration values for the HTTP kernel
http_reactive_request [Nethttpd_reactor]
http_reactor_config [Nethttpd_reactor]
http_request_header_notification [Nethttpd_engine]
http_request_notification [Nethttpd_engine]
http_response [Nethttpd_kernel]
Encapsultation of the HTTP response for a single request
http_service [Nethttpd_types]
http_service_generator [Nethttpd_types]
http_service_receiver [Nethttpd_types]
http_trailer [Nethttp]
The HTTP trailer is represented as MIME header

in_obj_channel [Netchannels]
The application-level input channel supports raw and complemented methods
in_obj_stream [Netstream]
An in_obj_stream extends in_obj_channel by look-ahead methods
internal_environment [Nethttpd_reactor]
For private use only
io_obj_channel [Netchannels]
A channel supporting both input and output.

mime_body [Netmime]
A MIME body with both read and write method.
mime_body_ro [Netmime]
This is the read-only version of a MIME body.
mime_header [Netmime]
A MIME header with both read and write method.
mime_header_ro [Netmime]
This is the read-only version of a MIME header.
min_config [Nethttpd_types]
Minimal configuration needed for output_std_response

out_obj_channel [Netchannels]
The application-level output channel supports raw and complemented methods

raw_in_channel [Netchannels]
Basic Unix-level class type for input channels as used by ocamlnet.
raw_io_channel [Netchannels]
A channel supporting both input and output.
raw_out_channel [Netchannels]
Basic Unix-level class type for output channels as used by ocamlnet.
rec_in_channel [Netchannels]
Recommended input class type for library interoperability.
rec_out_channel [Netchannels]
Recommended output class type for library interoperability.

simple_message [Netcgi_types]
A simple_message stores the value of the CGI argument as an unstructured string value.

trans_out_obj_channel [Netchannels]
A transactional output channel has a buffer for uncommitted data.

v_extended_environment [Nethttpd_types]
An extension of cgi_environment for use with the daemon.